YOSMITE - THE CLIMB - 1/1 Original Film Photograph from The Looking Glass Series



"Yosemite, The Climb" Taken on Kodak Porta 160. Chosen For Its High Sharpness And Smooth Grain Profile.


Yosemite, for me it is a place of profound beauty and significance. In the days leading up to the capture of this photograph, I meticulously scouted the landscape, studying the ever-changing interplay of light and shadow at sunset. I was in search of that perfect moment, a convergence of the elements that would allow me to craft the composition I was looking for, one that captured the range of light that cascaded over the valley.

With great anticipation, I readied my cherished Mamiya C330, carefully loaded with one of my favorite color films. One in particular that is characterized by its generous exposure latitude and sharpness, making it a superb choice for what I had in mind.

As I set up my gear, I watched patiently, keenly aware of the sun's slow journey across the sky. I was waiting for that precise alignment of elements, the moment when the landscape would be painted with the golden hues of the setting sun. Through the looking glass of my classic TLR camera, I composed three photographs, each featuring the iconic vistas of El Capitan and Half Dome, Yosemite's timeless sentinels.

But it was the second shot that held a surprise, an unexpected twist in this photographic narrative. As I pressed the shutter, something on the face of El Capitan caught my eye – a glinting reflection, much like the sparkle of glass when the sun catches it just right. I focused intently on this intriguing anomaly, and to my amazement, it turned out to be the headlamp of a determined climber ascending the mountain's formidable face.

The climber, suspended on the rocky expanse, was in the midst of a remarkable journey. With nightfall approaching, they were likely preparing to make camp, finding a precarious resting spot about halfway up the monolithic mountain. This observation added a profound layer to the grandeur of the landscape before me. It was a reminder that beyond my immediate viewpoint, there were countless macro elements at play – the people, the animals, and the intricate tapestry of life that thrived within this natural wonderland.

In these photographs, the true essence of Yosemite was encapsulated and lovingly transformed into black and white prints. Beyond the iconic granite giants, there was the resilience of the human spirit, the pursuit of challenges, and the connection between man and nature. The climber, even you can't see him in the photo, was captured mid-ascent, and it became an emblematic detail in these original photographs, a reminder of the countless untold stories that unfolded against the breathtaking backdrop of Yosemite's rugged wilderness.

- Jason Poturica